The Centre is committed to sharing publications and research that has helped to advance the field and break down barriers. Recently, the centre has also been able to conduct our own research as well. We hope to continue this work as the interest in inclusive post-secondary education grows.
Work Produced by/in Collaboration with the Centre
Inclusion in the Trades at VIU
Contemporary Issues in Student Mobility: Inclusive Post-secondary Education Initiatives (Current)Funded by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer
In progress This project uses adn environmental scan methodology to:
Map of Student Diversity
Inclusive Post-secondary Education as a Practice of Social Justice (2017/2018)Funded by: SFU Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines - Teaching & Learning Development Grant
Simon Fraser University and the BC Initiative for Inclusive Post-secondary Education established an inclusive post-secondary education partnership in 2012. This project was focused on the experience of faculty who have included students with developmental disabilities enrolled at SFU through the partnership in their undergraduate courses. Students select their major focus of studies and as such have completed courses in a number of different faculties and departments. Students enroll as participatory auditors, with the permission of the faculty, they are included in all aspects of the course, complete exams and assignments as outlined by the course syllabus, with necessary modifications. This project looked at the experience of professors and instructional staff, with a focus on the following questions: